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Percentage calculation & formulas for digital marketers.

With live calculators – for daily use. This is how you calculate conversion rate, bounce rate, ROI, CPO, customer churn rate, and more.

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As online marketers, we have to deal with numbers a lot. To identify lucrative ads, to calculate conversion rate changes, or to evaluate the ad spend per customer.

And yes, it happens to most of us: We don’t have all the formulas and calculations ready in our brains at any time.

That’s why I gathered the most important formulas here. So you can shine with stellar knowledge in percentage calculation. Even if you are having one of these blockhead days.

You are welcome.
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Conversion rate formulas

Calculate conversion rate

Formula: conversion rate = goal completions / visitors x 100

Please note that Google Analytics calculates conversion rates with number of sessions, not number of users.
Goal completions
Sessions (or visitors)
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  • 0%
    conversion rate

Calculate conversion rate change

Formula: conversion rate change = ( new conversion rate / old conversion rate - 1 ) x 100
New conversion rate
Old conversion rate
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  • 0%
    conversion rate change
  • 0x
    conversion rate multiplier

Performance & finance formulas

Calculate cost per action
cost per lead (CPL), cost per order (CPO),cost per click (CPC), cost per acquisition (CPA), etc.

Formula: cost per action = marketing or ad spend / actions
Marketing or ad spend (any currency)
Actions (leads, orders, clicks, ...)
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  • $0
    cost per action (any currency)

Calculate return on advertising spend (ROAS)

Formula: return on advertising spend = ( revenue from ads - ad spend ) / ad spend * 100
Revenue from ads (any currency)
Advertising spend (any currency)
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  • 0%
    return on advertising spend (ROAS)

Calculate return on investment (ROI)

Formula: return on investment = ( revenue - investment ) / investment * 100
Revenue (any currency)
Investment (any currency)
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  • 0%
    return on investment (ROI)

Calculate revenue change

Formula: revenue change = ( new revenue / old revenue - 1 ) x 100
New revenue
Old revenue
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  • 0%
    revenue change
  • 0x
    revenue multiplier

Bounce & engagement formulas

Calculate bounce rate

Formula: bounce rate = visits without engagement / total visits * 100
Visits without engagement
Total visits
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  • 0%
    bounce rate

Calculate bounce rate change

Formula: bounce rate change = ( new bounce rate / old bounce rate - 1 ) x 100
New bounce rate
Old bounce rate
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  • 0%
    bounce rate change
  • 0x
    bounce rate multiplier

Calculate engagement rate

Formula: engagement rate = visits with engagement / total visits * 100
Visits with engagement
Total visits
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  • 0%
    bounce rate

Calculate engagement rate change

Formula: engagement rate change = ( new engagement rate / old engagement rate - 1 ) x 100
New engagement rate
Old engagement rate
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  • 0%
    engagement rate change
  • 0x
    engagement rate multiplier

Growth marketing formulas

Calculate product virality

Product virality is a complex topic. The calculator below suggests that you have a product where customers can invite other people to use the product, too.

Formula: number of new customers = number of customer base x ( number of invitations sent per customer x invitation conversion rate )
Customer base
Invitations sent per customer
Invitation conversion rate
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  • 0
    new customers
  • 0
    viral coefficient
The viral coefficient has to be 1 or higher to achieve true virality. With a viral coefficient >1, your product will spread and generate more and more new customers continuously while you sip your Espresso Martinis.

Oh, and: Yes, that’s very difficult.

Calculate customer retention rate

Formula: retention rate = ( customers at end of period - customers acquired in period ) / customers at start of period x 100
Customers at end of period
Customers acquired in period
Customers at start of period
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  • 0%
    retention rate

Calculate customer churn rate

Formula: churn rate = customers lost in period / customers at start of period * 100
Customers lost in period
Customers at start of period
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  • 0%
    churn rate